Book Review: 2012 Long Listed: Deborah Levy’s Swimming Home (Review #4)

Rating: 2.5
Swimming Home
A Novel by Deborah Levy
2012 / 127 Pages

Meh!  This little novel starts out with a very intriguing first chapter – one that draws the reader in.  A chapter that makes you hope for a day at home alone on your favorite reading couch with an icy beverage and a bowl of popcorn to munch.  Alas, a book with so much potential failed to deliver.

My main question is why just 127 pages?  Actually, my copy only had 115.  Why couldn’t Ms Levy have expounded a bit on several of the sub plots?  Laura and Marshall?  Joseph’s childhood, Isabel’s and Joseph’s relationship? Background story on Dr. Sheridan?  Meh!

For much more detailed reviews please look to those from Opinionless, Hookedbookworm, and Penny.